Texas Get-Out-The-Vote Maps
FairVote2020 has developed an interactive map showing Latino voter registration data from the 2000 general election in Texas.
Additional maps include census data on English proficiency as well as race, ethnicity and income. Change maps by clicking the drop-down menu under "Compare Maps" on the
Below the link to the interactive map you will find a link to maps in Adobe format which are also
"zoomable." The Adobe maps show precinct details for 99 Texas municipalities with populations over 25,000.
Interactive maps 1,2, and 3 display the new 2006 congressional boundaries. At a scale of about 15 miles, updated precinct
boundaries (dark green) for 2005 are shown. In many areas, the 2005 precinct boundaries will match the 2000 and 2004 VTDs. (See this document for an explanation of the differences between VTDs and precincts.)
Maps 20 through 23 show election results for Bush-Gore and Bush-Kerry at the precinct and county levels.
* * *
See friendsvote.org for online voter lists organized by
street and precinct for all 254 Texas counties.
See also UT Arlington Texas Redistricting Google Maps
* * *
To maximize the viewable area, toggle off the history
folder, then select the F11 key. Map links can be e-mailed or bookmarked for future
reference. Click the HELP icon for additional assistance.
for details).
Unregistered Latinos by 2000
Google-FairData Base Map (start with a Google map interface)
Map 1 (default map) -- Unregistered voting age Latinos by Precinct
The precincts displayed (represented by dark green lines beginning at a scale of about 15 miles) in Maps 1, 2, and 3 are based on those in effect for the November
2005 general election: Population attributes and political data are based on 2000 census VTD boundaries. In most areas, the 2005 precinct lines are identical to the VTD census 2000
precinct proxies. Where there are differences, the underlying VTD boundaries provide a more accurate display of the population distribution for a particular area
Additional data and precinct information can be found at:
The unregistered count has not been adjusted to exclude non-citizens. Of the 2.3 million unregistered Latinos in Texas, approximately 1 million are
voter-eligible citizens.
The VTD layer can be queried by clicking on the INFO button and then clicking on the map. The VTD data can then be accessed from the pop-up window. VTD political
data includes 2000 and 2004 election returns, as well as total turnout, number of registered voters, and Spanish surname registered voters. Selected VTD data is also displayed in a
table beneath the map using the ZOOM TO Button.
The unregistered Latino count was derived by subtracting the 2000 registered Spanish surname voter count from the Latino voting age population count under the 2000
census The unregistered count by precinct has not been adjusted to exclude non-citizens.
Source: Texas Legislative Council
Map 2 -- Precinct-level Spanish-speaking voting age population by English proficiency
This map displays the estimated 18+ limited English population (Spanish-speakers) in Texas by 2000 VTD based on SF3 sample block group data. "Limited
English" is defined as persons who reported in the 2000 census that they did not speak English well or did not speak English at all.
Color coding shows the percentage of Spanish speakers who either "do not speak English well" or "do not speak English at all". At a scale of about 10
miles, estimated counts for these two limited English categories are displayed in purple boxes.
Note: Some official definitions (for instance, Voting Rights Act Sec. 203 language minority coverage) extend the term "limited
English" to include persons who "speak English well". Under these interpretations, just one category -- "Speak English Very Well" -- defines
persons who are considered proficient in English.
The map can be used to identify polling places where Spanish-speaking voters are likely to experience difficulties and for voter registration drives.
Source: Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) (Block Groups) and Texas Legislative Council (disaggregated and estimated for
Map 3 -- Precinct-level Latino voting-age population
Source: PL94-171 file (blocks) and Texas Legislative Council
Other map #s -- Block-Group Socio-Economic Detail Maps
See SocioEcon mapper for map details.
Sources: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data and SF 3 Sample Data
Note: Block group boundaries cannot be displayed in Maps 1, 3, 20, and 21. Precinct boundaries cannot be displayed in
the other maps..
Sources: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data and SF 3 Sample Data
.Map 20 -- Bush-Gore by Precinct
Head-to-head contest (minus third party votes).
Source: Texas Legislative Council
Map 21 -- Bush-Kerry by Precinct
Head-to-head contest (minus third party votes).
View this map in Google Earth
This 14 megabyte KMZ file shows the Bush-Kerry vote by precinct in Texas. The 2004 precincts are sorted by place and zipcode in the sidebar. (Allow some time to
Source: Texas Legislative Council
Map 22 -- Bush-Gore by County (Head-to-Head Contest) Note that congressional lines are for the 109th congress ( 2005-2006), not the historical 2000
Source: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections
Map 23 -- Bush-Kerry by County (Head-to-Head Contest)
At a scale of about 200 miles, green labels show votes cast for the two major party candidates by county.
This map does not display election returns below the county level.
Source: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections, 12/03/04.
Map 24 -- Party Affiliation (State Senate) 2007
Map 25 -- Party Affiliation (State House) 2007
Map 26 -- Party Affiliation (Congress) 2007
High Detail "Zoomable"-- Adobe format -- zoom to 200+)

Click on the links below to see the index of maps, then click on the file name. It will
take a few moments for the file to load into the Acrobat reader, depending upon the speed of your internet connection. To save and then view a map file (the best method for
accessing these files), right click on the file name, then choose 'Save Target As' (Internet Explorer) or 'Save Link As' (Netscape). Files range from 300k to 800k in size. These
maps are set to print at 11" by 17" but can be enlarged at Kinkos.
Texas municipalities with population over 25,000 (99)
Note: Congressional lines in these maps have not been updated to reflect the plan approved in 2004.
Each map displays an area approximately 15 miles wide. About two-thirds of the state's Latino population lives in the areas shown on these maps. The numbers displayed in purple boxes show unregistered Latinos of voting age. These maps match interactive map 1.
Note: Congressional lines in the Bush-Gore maps are updated to reflect the plan approved in 2004.
Bush-Gore by 2000 precinct (head to head contest excluding third party candidates). The numbers in boxes show votes cast for the two major party candidates. The green
lines show 2002 precinct boundaries. Each map displays an area approximately 15 miles wide. These maps
match interactive map 20.
Chart links:
Links to charts showing socioeconomic status by ethnicity for hundreds of Texas jurisdictions can be obtained through these links.
ESL Data (county-level)
Socioeconomic Data (congressional, county and city-level)
The reports are in Adobe format and require use of the free Adobe reader.