Nevada Get-Out-The-Vote Maps
FairVote2020 has developed an interactive map showing precinct-level turnout rates based on registered
voters in Clark and Washoe Counties for the 2000 presidential contest. Nearly 90% of Nevada's population resides in these two counties.
The second map shows Bush-Gore results by precinct statewide.
Additional maps include census data on poverty, housing and income. Change maps by clicking the drop-down menu
under "Compare Maps" on the left.
Las Vegas Area Turnout in 2000 Presidential Election
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previously viewed maps. Try Windows NetMeeting for group sessions. Click the HELP icon for additional
Map 1 --Turnout in Clark and Washoe Counties (by 2000 precinct -- registered voters)
At a scale of about 8 miles, the number of registered voters (by precinct) who did not vote in the 2000 election is displayed in purple boxes.
Precinct boundaries are those in effect in 2000.
This map differs from other FairVote2020 turnout maps which use voting age population as the base for calculating the turnout rate. Nevada's
population has grown rapidly since 2000, making registered voters the better measure for turnout calculations.
Data is unavailable for the other 14 counties and Carson City.
Source: Census 2000, Federal Elections Project, American University.
Map 2 -- Bush-Gore by Precinct
Zoom out to
Statewide Map
Head-to-head contest (minus third party votes)
Source: Census 2000, Federal Elections Project, American University.
Maps 3 and above -- Block-Group Socio-Economic Detail Maps
See SocioEcon mapper for map details.
Sources: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data and SF 3 Sample Data
High Detail "Zoomable"-- Adobe format -- zoom to 200+) 
- Clark and Washoe localities with populations over 2,500
Community-wide Turnout Maps
Birds-eye view of turnout for registered voters in the 2000 general election. The numbers displayed in purple
boxes show non-voting registered voters by precinct. These maps match the default map in the interactive map described above.
- Nevada localities with populations over 2,500 (44)
Community-wide Bush Gore Maps
Bush-Gore by precinct (head to head contest excluding third party candidates).