Thanks to:
ACT Broward County, Democracy South , FL League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
Florida Get-Out-The-Vote Maps
FairVote2020 has developed interactive maps showing constituency information on African-American and Latino voters in
Florida. The maps include Unregistered African-Americans in Florida, Unregistered Latinos in Florida, and Leon County Nonvoters.
Additional maps show socio-economic data from the 2000 census, party affiliation of registered voters, and results for the
2000/2004 presidential elections and the 2002 Bush-McBride and Crist-Dyer contests.
These and other maps can reached by clicking the drop-down menu under "Compare Maps" to the left of the map image
Below the interactive maps are links to maps in Adobe format These maps show precinct details for
unregistered African Americans and Latinos in municipalities with populations over 15,000.
A final set of 270 Adobe maps shows precinct-level election results and turnout rates in the
2000 election for localities with populations over 10,000.
To maximize the viewable area, toggle
off the history folder, then select the F11 key. Map links can be e-mailed or bookmarked for future reference. Use the arrow buttons on your browser to compare previously viewed maps. Click
the HELP icon for additional assistance. Try Windows
NetMeeting for group sessions.
for details).
Unregistered African-Americans in Florida (by 2000 precinct)
Google-FairData Base Map (start with a Google map interface)
Map 1 (Initial Map) -- Unregistered African Americans 18+ by 2000 precinct
At a scale of about 20 miles, the number of unregistered African Americans (by 2000 precinct) is
displayed in purple boxes. When you click on ZOOM TO and then click on the map -- voter registration and demographic data for the precinct selected will appear in a table
below the map. Click on INFO and then click on the map for more detailed data.
Display notes:
The "Non-Voter 2000" display works only in Leon County for maps 21 to 26.
To suppress the dot display of Leon County nonvoters remove the check in the box to the left of
"Non-Voter 2000".
The precincts displayed in Maps 1 and 16 (represented by dark green lines beginning at a scale of
about 5 miles on the interactive map ) are based on those in effect for the November 2000 general election and do not reflect post-2000 modifications: Also note that the
thematic displays for the unregistered population by precinct do not follow the 2000 precinct boundaries in instances where precinct lines split census blocks. In these instances,
where there is not a one-to-one correspondence between census geography and year 2000 precinct lines, the unregistered voter count is an estimate.
The precinct layer can be queried by clicking on the INFO button and then clicking on the map.
Precinct data can then be viewed from the pop-up window. Demographic and political data includes 2000 Bush-Gore election returns, as well as total turnout and number of registered
voters by race and ethnicity.
Additional data and precinct information can be found at:
Sources: Census 2000 and Florida Office of Economic and Demographic
Map 17 -- Unregistered Latinos over 18 by 2000 precinct
Unregistered Latinos in Florida
At a scale of about 20 miles, the number of unregistered Latinos (by 2000 precinct) is displayed in purple
boxes. When you click on ZOOM TO and then click on the map -- voter registration and demographic data for the precinct selected will appear in a table below the map. Click on
INFO and then click on the map for more detailed data.
The unregistered count has not been adjusted to exclude non-citizens. Of the 1.3 million
unregistered Latinos in Florida, approximately 600,000 are voter-eligible citizens
Map 29 -- Focus Precincts
Statewide Focus Precincts
This map shows about 1,500 precincts statewide that are 40% or more minority voting age, with
an estimated 50 or more Latinos or African Americans of voting age who are unregistered. There are over 450,000 African Americans and 850,000 unregistered Latinos in these
Map 31 -- Turnout in 2000 (numbers show registered nonvoters)
Map 32 -- Bush-Gore (head-to-head with voter party affiliation in pie charts)
Map 33 -- Percent Democrat (2000)
Map 34 -- Percent Independent (2000)
Other Map #s -- Statewide Block-Group Socio-Economic Detail Maps
See SocioEcon mapper for map
Note: Precinct boundaries cannot be displayed in the socioeconomic thematic
Sources: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data and SF 3 Sample Data
Post-2000 Maps
Map 35 -- Bush-McBride (2002) (Head-to-Head Contest)
Map 36 -- Crist-Dyer (2002) (Head-to-Head Contest)
Map 37 -- Bush-Kerry by County (Head-to-Head Contest)
At a scale of about 200 miles, green labels show votes cast for the two major party candidates by county.
This map does not display election returns below the county level.
Source: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections,
Map 38 -- Party Affiliation (State Senate) 2007
Map 39 -- Party Affiliation (State House) 2007
Map 40 -- Party Affiliation (Congress) 2007
High Detail Adobe Format Maps (Zoom to 200%)

These maps are set to print at 11" by 17" but will print to smaller or larger page
Click on the links below to see the index of maps, then click on the file name. It will
take a few moments for the file to load into the Acrobat reader, depending upon the speed of your internet connection. To save and then view a map file (the best method for
accessing these files), right click on the file name, then choose 'Save Target As' (Internet Explorer) or 'Save Link As' (Netscape). Files range from 50k to 500k in size.
Community-wide Maps (85 municipalities with
pop. over 15,000 and over 10% Black)
Each map displays an area approximately 15 miles wide. About two-thirds of the state's African
American population lives in the areas shown on these maps.
Community-wide Maps (98
municipalities with pop. over 15,000 and over 10% Latino)
Each map displays an area approximately 15 miles wide. About two-thirds of the state's Latino
population lives in the areas shown on these maps. Pie charts showing national origin display for precincts with large Latino populations.
Florida localities with populations over 10,000 (270)
Community-wide Bush-Gore maps
Bush-Gore by precinct (head to head contest excluding third party candidates). The numbers in boxes show votes cast for the two major party
candidates. These maps match map 32 in the interactive map,
Community-wide Turnout Maps
Birds-eye view of 2000 turnout rates for registered voters of all races by
precinct. The numbers displayed in purple boxes show registered voters who did not vote. These maps match map 31 in the interactive map.
Leon County Maps
Map 19 -- Leon County registered voters who
were eligible but did not vote in 2000 (by VTD)
to Leon County Nonvoters
This map plots about 14,000 Leon County voters (2003) who were eligible but did not vote in
the November 2000 presidential election. About 5,000 of the geocoded non-voters are non-white or Latino. There were 19,000 eligible non-voters, but many of these are out
of town (students, military, etc). . The map plots households by address, so the dots may represent more than one person. Apartment complexes with the same street address are
represented by a single dot. Student dorms are not shown.
Display notes:
To see the block group boundaries in these maps (thick blue lines), zoom in to 5 miles and
check the "_Block Group" display box.
To suppress the dot display of nonvoters remove the check to the left of "Non-Voter
Map 20 -- Leon County registered voters who were eligible but did not vote in 2000 (by block
Map 21 -- Same as Map 22 with % Black thematic overlay
Map 22 -- Same as Map 22 with % Latino thematic overlay
Map 23 -- Unregistered persons in Leon County by block group (median income theme)
Note: Low moderate income target area for registration drive is outlined with thick black
lines. This area defines all block groups in Leon County with a median household income below $30,000.
There are an estimated 30,000 unregistered persons in this 70 block group target area -- after
excluding group quarters (student dorms, prisons, etc.). These are preliminary estimates and tend to overstate the unregistered population in some areas due to non-resident off
campus students.
Block-group level unregistered estimates for an area in the southern part
of the target area are blanked out on this map, due to geocoding problems which overstate the number of unregistered voters.
Map 24 -- Unregistered population by census block (most detailed level of census
An area in the southern part of the target area is blanked out on
this map, due to geocoding problems which overstate the number of unregistered voters at the block level.
Source for Maps 19 to 24 voter data : Leon County Supervisor of
Chart links:
ESL Data (county-level)
Socioeconomic Data (congressional, county and city-level)
The reports are in Adobe format and require use of the free Adobe reader.