Arkansas Get-Out-The-Vote Maps
FairVote2020 has developed an interactive map showing voter registration rates in Arkansas communities and neighborhoods
as of April 2004. Boundaries for the thematic display are based on census block groups. (A statewide geographic database matching 2004 precinct lines is
Zooming in to a scale of about five miles, you will see the estimated number of unregistered persons (by block group)
displayed in purple boxes.
You can view socioeconomic themes -- race, ethnicity, income, access to vehicles, etc. -- for these neighborhood areas by selecting maps from the drop-down menu
under "Compare Maps" on the left. These maps also show block group-level detail, providing an exact boundary match to the voter registration data.
Below the links to the interactive maps is a link to a directory with about 400 maps in Adobe format -- printer-ready and PDA
compatible. These maps show street-level detail for areas where 40% or more of the voting age population is
minority, with an estimated 50 or more unregistered or inactive voters. There are an estimated 163,000
unregistered or inactive voters (all races) in the 390 focus areas, representing nearly 60% of the resident voting age population. There are focus areas in 39 of the
state's 75 counties. About 60% of the African American population in Arkansas lives in these areas.
There is also a link to Adobe maps showing neighborhood registration rates for all
Arkansas localities with populations greater than 10,000.
% 18+ Unregistered or Inactive in 2004( neighborhood-level block groups as proxy precincts)
Zoom to
Little Rock
To maximize the viewable area, toggle off the history folder.
Map links can be e-mailed or bookmarked for future reference. Use the arrow buttons on your browser to compare
previously viewed maps. Try Windows NetMeeting for group sessions. Click the HELP icon for additional
Map 1 (default map) -- Unregistered or Inactive Voting Age Population in 2004
At a scale of about 5 miles, the estimated number of voting age persons (by block group) who are not registered is displayed in purple boxes.
When you click on ZOOM TO and then click on the map -- voter registration and demographic data for the block group selected will appear in a table below the map. Click on
INFO and then click on the map for more detailed data.
At a scale of about 5 miles, green labels showing the block group numbers can be displayed by checking the box next to "BG FIPS code" below the map
image. (The five digit state-county portion of the number, e.g. "05003" is not shown in the map -- 05 is for Arkansas and 035 indicates Crittenden County -- but is displayed
using the INFO button and must be entered for searches based on the block group code using FIND. )
At a scale of about 5 miles, precinct lines based on the 2000 census VTD boundaries can be activated by checking the appropriate box below the map
image. Click on INFO and then click on the map for a pop-up window displaying the precinct name. Remove the check mark on the box labeled "_Block Group" to
display just the precinct lines on the map.
This map is based on an April 2004 statewide registered voter file with 1.6 million names. Approximately 90% of the addresses are geocoded. For the
map theme, we have eliminated from the registered count anyone who was identified as not having voted since 1999. This reduces the statewide active registered voter count to
1.03 million persons -- roughly in line with Census Bureau survey estimates of 1.12 million in 2000 (see link below). Blank areas on the map depict areas where
the geocoding or voter data was faulty.
Sources: Census 2000, Arkansas Secretary of State
Maps 2 thru 17 -- Block-Group Socio-Economic Detail Maps
See SocioEcon mapper for map details.
Sources: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data and SF 3 Sample Data
Map 18 -- Statewide Focus Areas
See also Adobe maps below. This map shows block group areas with populations that are 40% or more
minority, according to the 2000 census, with 100 or more estimated unregistered or inactive voters.
Street-level printer-ready, PDA compatible detail maps can be downloaded by clicking on the INFO button and then on the
precinct of interest. Next select "Focus Areas" and select the Adobe map link from the lower half of the pop-up window. Right click and select
Save Target As or Open in New Window).
Batch downloads for the Adobe files (organized by county, zip code, city, block group, and 2000 precinct) can be accessed via
this directory:
Click here
for a map-linked spreadsheet bridging between the Adobe maps and the interactive map (with built-in sorting features) -- also located at the top of the above
directory. Try Democracy South's Greensboro, NC tutorial,, but note that in Arkansas there is no information on the race or ethnicity of the voter.
Map 19 -- Bush-Gore by County (Head-to-Head Contest) Note that congressional lines are for the 109th congress ( 2005-2006), not the historical 2000
Source: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections
Map 20 -- Bush-Kerry by County (Head-to-Head Contest)
At a scale of about 200 miles, green labels show votes cast for the two major party candidates by county.
This map does not display election returns below the county level.
Source: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections, 12/03/04.
Map 21 -- Party Affiliation (State Senate) 2007
Map 22 -- Party Affiliation (State House) 2007
Map 23 -- Party Affiliation (Congress) 2007
High Detail "Zoomable"-- Adobe format -- zoom to 200+) 
These maps are set to print at 11" by 17" but will print to smaller or larger page sizes.
Click on the links below to see the index of maps, then click on the file name. It will take a few moments for the file to
load into the Acrobat reader, depending upon the speed of your internet connection. To save and then view a map file (the best method for accessing these files), right click
on the file name, then choose 'Save Target As' (Internet Explorer) or 'Save Link As' (Netscape). Files range from 50k to 500k in size.
These street-level maps show neighborhoods and communities with populations that are 40% or more minority, according to the
2000 census, with 100 or more estimated unregistered or inactive voters.
White numbers overlaying dots show estimated unregistered or inactive voters (all races) by census block.
These dots are color-coded to show race/ethnicity components for the over 18 population residing in the census block.
Census blocks shaded in grey have minority voting age populations below 40%.
The files are organized by county, zip code, city, block group number, and 2000 VTD name. The VTD (voting tabulation
district) usually corresponds to the precinct lines as configured at the time of the 2000 census. Block groups split VTDs, so there may be one or more precincts
associated with a VTD name. VTDs may also encompass more than one block group.
Try the Greensboro, NC tutorial developed with our client Democracy South., but note that in Arkansas there is no information on the race or ethnicity of the voter.
There are an estimated 163,000 unregistered or inactive voters (all races) in the 390 focus areas, representing nearly 60% of
the resident voting age population. There are focus areas in 39 of the state's 75 counties. About 60% of the African American population in Arkansas lives in these
See also: map-linked spreadsheet.
New 7/04
Birds-eye view of unregistered/inactive voter rates. These maps can be used for orientation purposes with
the "focus area" block-level maps above. The numbers displayed in purple boxes show unregistered or inactive voters and will match the unregistered voter count in the footer
portion of the block-level "focus area" maps. See also: map-linked spreadsheet.
Chart links:
Socioeconomic Data (congressional, county and city-level)